The highly successful “Stabat Mater” (2021) by Tyler Futrell, premiered at the Oslo International Church Music Festival in March 2022, was repeated at the same festival in September, played along with Alessandro Scarlatti’s “Stabat Mater” written 300 years earlier. Soloists were Silje Aker Johnsen and Astrid Nordstad. Futrell was also performed at the extraordinary Hardanger Musikkfest (Mari Askvik replacing Astrid), taking place in the beautiful Fjord of hardanger in November, this time programmed together with G.B. Pergolesi’s iconic “Stabat Mater”. The ensemble also premiered works by Birgit Djupedal and Sigurd Fischer Olsen and played pieces by Ørjan Matre, also co-operating with Norwegian artists Erlend Apneset (Hardanger Fiddle), the Norwegian Girls Choir, and not the least Karl Seglem, accompanying him in his own piece “Nørdre” at the festival.
The wonderful work “Fleurs” for clarinet and strings by Jan Erik Mikalsen, was premiered at the MISK festival in Sandefjord Church on Oct. 30th, along with another huge commission by the ensemble, “Woods – Sylva Sylvarum” by Martin Ødegaard, written for TERJUNGENSEMBLE and the choir Ensemble 96 - an impressive work. A joyful co-operation with guitarist and composer Hans Mathisen, “Directions East”, was premiered, and played along with Mendelssohn’s String Symphony in B-minor - another vital and beautiful composition by a young genius.